Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What a day!

Worked my butt of at the gym today. The Stair master is my arch enemy. I did five minutes on it and I thought i was going to die. I walked 12 flights of stairs and burned about 60 calories. That's not bad for only doing it for five minutes. When I work out I like to have a little competition with the person closest to me, even though they have no idea. Its a good way to push myself more harder and faster.
I went shopping today at festival and bought some new items to try. First is Hemp Hearts. Hemp hearts are shelled hemp seeds. It has 10 grams of protein in only 3 tablespoons. Its good to snack on and it has a nutty flavor to it. Its packed with bunch of vitamins, protein, and nutrients that can help you lose weight. You can use it to bake or sprinkle it on oatmeal and yogurt. I plan on making a smoothie with it tomorrow. For more info about Hemp Hearts, check out this website
Also I bought some gluten free bread to try it for a better alternative to getting my grains. To crave my chocolate hunger i bought Fiber One brownie bars. Only one bar is 90 calories and has 20 percent of your daily dose of fiber. Can you say YUM!!!

I just want to give a shout out to all my supports that come and check out my blog and give me support and inspiration. You guys help me get through my hard days when I just want to give up! Thank you for not letting me. This journey will be long and hard, but i want this, i need this and i know i can do this! So thank you and i love you all!!

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