Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Celebrity Fit Club

I love having a gym membership. One of the best decisions I ever made. I signed up at Anytime Fitness about almost two years ago, with my sister in law. We started working out together and it really helped having someone workout with you. There was a time though that I didn't go for months. Then one day I realized that I was wasting my money by not going. So once I moved in with my boyfriend and his family I started going again. Right now Anytime Fitness is having a Celebrity Fitness Club. You sign up they weigh you and find out your body mass. Then you pick out a celebrity. My is Ziva David, the character from NCIS. Every week I will go in and weigh myself to see if i lost anything. This will really help me because it will push myself to work hard since its a competition against everyone. Who ever loses the most weight and body fat will win a prize. I cannot wait!

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