Wednesday, February 8, 2012

  • Me in 8th Grade

    This is my goal in a year. This was me 8th grade graduation, 180 pounds and a size 16.
    I am now 280 pounds (eeek) and a size 22.
    I honestly cant believe in that amount of time i have gained about 100 pounds. i have to put a stop to it!
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    posted 2 hours ago in blog add comment
  • New Girl

    I cant standed when people tear you down for the smallest things, dont let their words affect you otherwise they won the battle. For me this was a big thing that I didnt do growing up. I took all the bad and negative things that people have said to me to heart and it made me feel more insecure and less confident then I did. I didnt try too, but words hurt more then people say they do. So when I start changing my diet and exercise, people still critized me for being they body type that i am. You know what if they spent a day with me, they could see that im one of the most atheltic big person. Through high school i was always big but i played three sports a year and always worked out. This is who i am, and if people dont like it, thats fine with me. Some people dont have to struggle with their weight because the way there body  chemistry is. I am doing my best and thats all i can do.  I loving watching shows when you see a weird and quirky person that doesnt care if she is a nerd, or weird or different because no one is normal. Everyone should check out the show “New Girl” thats on FOX. Its funny and it made me realize that i should be the way i am and not try to be something different.
    So lately I have been eating alot of spinach, i create fun and different salads always something new. Also everyone should try eating argula. Its a little more bitter but if you have a lite vinerette on it, you wont even notice. I will be posting some pictures of the salads i create. If anyone would like the recipes let me know.
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  • New Year, New Start

    I have been going off and on with diets if you could read from my previous post, but i am determine to finally get it right. My main problem is portion size and how often I eat. I don’t eat a lot actually but I only usually eat two times a day, before and after work. During those time my portions are pretty big and before i didn’t exercise a lot so I wasn’t burning many calories. For me, it was the lack of motivation I had to go work out before or after work. I still struggle with this, like the past week…I haven’t really workout at all. Yesterday I went on a pretty long walk with Sammi. I haven’t gone tonight at all my goal is to start fresh in the week starting tomorrow after i get done with work. The music video thats on the side of the page is one of my favorite songs to work out too. “Heavy Cross” by Gossip. You should definitely check it out.
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    posted 2 hours ago in blog add comment
  • Such A pretty Fat

    I am also currently reading “Such a Pretty Fat” by Jen Lancaster. She talk about her journey though losing weight and its such a good read. She is hilarious and I can relate what she is going through. I highly recommend her books, I have become such a big fan of hers! Recently I have been researching The Atkins diet but I found out it could lead to some health problems. I do like the idea though of cutting down the intake of bread and starch because it turns into sugar. For me that is a problem because I was diagnosed with Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome. One out of five girls can get it and most overweight girls do. It was my period was very irregular and my body wasn’t using the sugar for energy or breaking it down. It was just storing it in my body. So to elimate a major of carbs I think will help me shed pounds as well.
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    posted 2 hours ago in blog add comment
  • Wow, way to long

    Okay new website!! :) I cant believe how long its been since i have done this.  During the time I have been away its sad to know that I gained 20 lbs and completely failed at the thing i have been working hard on for so long. But all I can do is to pick up where i left off and began fresh. It kills me know how the years pass and noticable bigger i get. I go off and on diets and mind sets that im going to change my eating habits onlly to fail a week or so later. What am i doing wrong, why cant i seem to keep this going. Ive been to the doctor, having them tell me if i dont change bad things can happen but it still doesnt get me to stick to anything. I am tired of being fat.. i hate that word so much for that was the one word that would break me down and lose all hope. But i dont want to feel sorry for myself anymore, i did this to myself and i need to take this into action and fix what i did for the better or me and my future. Recently i have been going back to the gym and working out everyday for an hour an half just the past week i havent so now i have to get a mind set going again! IM GOING TO DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT TOOO! WHOSE WITH ME!!!
    tags: home

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