Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I have been trying to find a blog that i really like and i cant seem to find one but i have had a blogger account for a while so i figured i would try this out. Things have been going semi well for me i have come to have a mind set that my body fat is my enemy and i must destroy it. i have had a fresh wave of motivation and i have been really good at setting goals in eating healthy and working out. I have been bringing my boyfriends brother with me and he was been helping me push myself in either running or lifting weights on the treadmill. Which is what i really need because i have workout with some people and all they do is go on one machine and don't push their selves. I benched  65lbs and I never thought i wouldn't even be able to bench the bar but i did! I also have been drinking protein drinks which have gave me a real boost in energy. I love mixing it with fresh fruit, spinach, and milk in my rocket blender.
  The past couple weeks have been really stressful for me. I applied at a new job where my boyfriend works but didnt get it. I really beat myself up over it, which I shouldn't do but its hard.
I will be trying out a new pill called CLA or conjugated linoleic acid. It helps to not let your body absorb all the fat. There are iffy views on it but most of them have been good.

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