Wednesday, February 8, 2012

  • Some Days..i tell ya.


    Have you ever had one of those days where you just dont seem motivated. I have had those ever once and awhile. You just get frustrated because everyone around you seems to have an easier time to lose weight then i have seem to struggle that is why i am trying to go gluten free. I think if i limit my gluten and sugar intake it will become easier to shed the pounds.
    I love going to the gym until a couple times this guy has been there and have been giving me dirty looks, you know the look ppl give you when they glance you up and down. Well he did that to me and then gave me a smirk like saying, “ha, you working out?!” It was like he was telling me that i was too big to work out. Especially since i didn’t stay on the stair master long. Seriously…who can stay on their long…its nuts! I climbed three flights of stairs and i thought i was going to die! I think if i work on it more my goal to get 10 flights of stairs. I CAN DO IT!
    Good thing today i got to visit one of my dearest best friends and her daughters. Dancing to Just Dance 3 on the Wii. I love them all so much we always have such a good time! We have been friends since we were six!
    My other dearest best friend
    My awesome Boyfriend
    I have been so blessed to have great friends and amazing boyfriend. I have to remember how blessed i am to have people who love me and support me. My friends and family are amazing. Will be posting pics of family soon!
    tags: home
    posted 1 hour ago in blog add comment
  • Gluten Free


    Recently i have been looking up about going gluten free because it can have great impacts on losing weight. Here is a link about gluten and list of foods that you can get to be gluten free.

      i am blessed to live by a grocery store that has lots of gluten free products that aren’t expensive
      posted 2 hours ago in blog add comment
    • what a long week


      Have had a long week with work and everything…just have been very stressed and being an emotional eater its been tough the past couple days. Been trying stay positive and i like to relax by sitting by the fire and listening to nature music. i LOVE nature music so peaceful and calming. so starting this week i am going hard core…WHOSE WITH ME!
      posted 2 hours ago in blog add comment
    • Such a good day!


      Went to the gym when i got to work and weighted myself even though i shouldnt of because i ate 3 hours prior but i did anyways just too see and it said i was down  1 more pound!!!! i am so pumped that i have finally stuck to something now being 3 weeks and going strong!! i have help with my phone app called my fitness plan, let you track your calories and workouts. Added bonus that is FREE!!!!
      Total weight loss 11lbs
      Also learning from different blogs, carla who i posted on my blog about chia and how it was so  beneficial i finally found a grocery store that sold it! I got home and tried it…soo yummy!!!!
      i have been learning so much about food and how it can be so beneficial and yummy i cannot wait to share more with you!

      \Losing 100 Pounds, Becoming a Figure Skater
        Tue, Jan 10, 2012 – 2:30 | 940,995 views
        Sandra Chambers, 43, takes to the ice, transforming her body—and future.
        tags: home
        posted 2 hours ago in blog add comment
      • Long/good day

        Today has started out as a good day, i lost 5 lbs and 2 inches off my waist. I have noticed recently that my clothes have been fitting much better and loser. Even my work clothes which before were getting really snug. I think if i keep going on track, my goal is to be down 80lbs by the time i go to Georgia with my friends! i cannot wait!
        I think everyone should try the drink called, “Skinny Girl” They come in martini, cosmopolitan, and sangria.
        This is the one that i have at home, it only has a 100 calories and 3 grams of carbs! It taste absolutely delicious!
        Another favorite thing of mine, that is a healthy snack that i recently fell in love with is Pistachios! Grab a little bag on the go and you have a healthy snack between meals.
        tags: home article

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