Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wow almost a month away

I fell off the band wagon again. Everyone makes mistakes, lacks motivation..Life is a roller coaster and the past couple weeks I have been having bad mood swings where I have been lonely and depressed. Well my friend wants to join my gym so we are going to start working out again and see how she likes my gym. I CANT QUIT..i gained back like 5lbs. Got to get back in shape especially if im going to georgia in 2 months

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I am so happy that I have been doing so well on my low carb diet. I have been cutting down my carb intake by half. Today on day three was the first time i ate bread. I had a 9 Grain oat bread with black forest ham, little cheddar cheese, Spinach, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Black olives, and lite mayo. It was very delicious. For lunch today I had a spinach salad with almonds, strawberries, with balsamic vinaigrette. A grilled chicken breast with a small amount of prego sauce and sprinkling of Parmesan Cheese. I have been doing really well on drinking water too. I have had 4 20oz. bottle of water today! I don't remember the last time I actually drinked that much. My Goal is to stay positive and keeping up the momento. My new favorite snack is carrots and peanut butter. The peanut butter doesn't have alot of carbs and has lots of protein in it. :) I love looking at motivational quotes because i always look back and read them if im not feeling really active and don't want to do anything. So here is some motivational quotes for you! Enjoy!!


Today I went to High Cliff State Park with my favorite walking buddy Sammi. This was both of ours first time going. I was very excited because it was so beautiful outside. So we went on three different trails around the northern tip of Lake Winnebago. So gorgeous and such a workout, i was sweating by the time we got done. I absolutely loved going there today and I will definitely plan on going back soon and often.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New Challenge

I know I haven't written on here before but three years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It's an imbalance of the women s sex hormones. I found out I had it when i had a series of test done because i wasn't getting my period. After i found out i started a prescription of metaformin that was supposed to help my insulin resistance and help regulate my period along side my birth control. After a year i stopped taking both but didn't have any problems with my periods until this past year when i didn't get it since October. I know i have gain alot weight this past year and i know that is likely the reason why my period have become irregular again. Tomorrow i am calling my doctor so i can get back on the prescription of metaformin so it can help like it did before and it would be hopefully easier for me to lose weight. Tonight doing research more about dieting with PCOS, I started my own page on FACEBOOK called PCOS Wisconsin. I also started the PCOS Challenge to help me lose weight. The website is free to sign up and they give you tips and pointers with other women you can chat with and give each other support. They also have videos you can watch as well about a variety of topics.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I think i can i think i can i think can....I KNOW I CAN I KNOW I CAN

I have to tell myself i know i can everyday, but sometimes i have inner battles with my confidence and my insecurity. Which I know i cant do...Its still hard at times. But no more excuses..i will get my life back on track. I know i have to make time to do 30 minutes of exercise a day. Yesterday I did Zumba and today played about 30 minutes of basketball. Its been so nice out that I want to spend as much time as i can outside. I also would like to start running but with being this heavy, my knees dont really like it so I will opt for the ellpical for now and doing a mile on there first. Just made a goal that I am going to go out with fast food or eating out for a month. This should be interesting!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Portions are Key

So i have been doing this about a month now and I have lost about 15lbs. I think what is key that I need to change is my portion size. IF i cut my portion in half I believe that I will lose more weight. I havent been very good cutting my portions or eating of the right portions.
This is what im going live by and hopefully I will lose weight faster.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My new love!

Just got the Zumba Fitness for the Wii yesterday so I was very excited about trying it out. Lets just say I sweated more in 20 minutes then I did going to the gym for an hour and a half. I it got my heart rate up, got me up and moving. Loved the dance moves! The belt that came with it didnt fit my waist so I had to hick it up higher on my stomach.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What a day!

Worked my butt of at the gym today. The Stair master is my arch enemy. I did five minutes on it and I thought i was going to die. I walked 12 flights of stairs and burned about 60 calories. That's not bad for only doing it for five minutes. When I work out I like to have a little competition with the person closest to me, even though they have no idea. Its a good way to push myself more harder and faster.
I went shopping today at festival and bought some new items to try. First is Hemp Hearts. Hemp hearts are shelled hemp seeds. It has 10 grams of protein in only 3 tablespoons. Its good to snack on and it has a nutty flavor to it. Its packed with bunch of vitamins, protein, and nutrients that can help you lose weight. You can use it to bake or sprinkle it on oatmeal and yogurt. I plan on making a smoothie with it tomorrow. For more info about Hemp Hearts, check out this website http://www.healing-source.com/about_HempHearts_b.htm
Also I bought some gluten free bread to try it for a better alternative to getting my grains. To crave my chocolate hunger i bought Fiber One brownie bars. Only one bar is 90 calories and has 20 percent of your daily dose of fiber. Can you say YUM!!!

I just want to give a shout out to all my supports that come and check out my blog and give me support and inspiration. You guys help me get through my hard days when I just want to give up! Thank you for not letting me. This journey will be long and hard, but i want this, i need this and i know i can do this! So thank you and i love you all!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Lance and I just got Wii, so I have been trying to find Wii games that i can help me work out when I can get to the gym. The first one I got is this one.

Next week is my first weight in for my celebrity fit club, I'm pretty excited and nervous at the same time. Wish me luck!
I have been reading alot of weight loss blogs, they have given me bunch of ideas and have been a big inspiration for me..
I wrote before about having my goal about my boyfriends sisters wedding. Well i am going to Georgia in four months. So i have done a mini goal. First of all its to lose 10lbs a month so be down fourty pounds by the time I go to Georgia. With this goal i will be writing down all i eat and all my calories. Also I will be planning out my meals.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Brandon and Leah - Life Happens (Official Music Video)


I should of put this picture first. This is picture is what made me think, "What the hell am I doing to my self?" I told myself I would never be this big.
So I made a competition for myself. My boyfriends sister is getting married in September. I have a dress that I kept for years. Its a size 16..i am currently a size 20-22..depends on the style of clothes. I have eight months to be able to get into my dress. If I get that goal I decided Im going to treat myself in either getting my hair done or a tattoo. I haven't really decided. Here is a picture of me when I last wore it about 7 years ago.

Here is a better picture of the dress. I think its so beautiful!

I think this will help me stay focus and keep having motivation! what do you all think? Also I have a short term goal down...in four months I will be going to Georgia for a week with some of my girl friends and my goal is about 40 pounds. that means i will be able to lose about 10 or so pounds a month. I dont want to go to the beach feeling uncomfortable..That has happen to me before recently when I spent a night in a hotel and when we went swimming..there was a group of people mooing at me. It was absolutely horrible.

So I have been thinking a lot lately on buying a bike with my tax money..I have had the one I have now since I was 15 and Im turning 23 on Saturday!! I really like the old style bikes like in the 50's and 60's...here is a picture of something i might get...Its sooo fricken goregous!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Celebrity Fit Club

I love having a gym membership. One of the best decisions I ever made. I signed up at Anytime Fitness about almost two years ago, with my sister in law. We started working out together and it really helped having someone workout with you. There was a time though that I didn't go for months. Then one day I realized that I was wasting my money by not going. So once I moved in with my boyfriend and his family I started going again. Right now Anytime Fitness is having a Celebrity Fitness Club. You sign up they weigh you and find out your body mass. Then you pick out a celebrity. My is Ziva David, the character from NCIS. Every week I will go in and weigh myself to see if i lost anything. This will really help me because it will push myself to work hard since its a competition against everyone. Who ever loses the most weight and body fat will win a prize. I cannot wait!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

I hope everyone has a good Valentines Day, I will be celebrating it with my love, Lance. Going on almost two years. He is the Love of my life. The first man I ever met that loves me for me and supports me in everything that I do. He has been such a support and helper in my weight loss. Always tells me not to give up if I am having a bad day. He means the world to me and I couldnt picture myself with any other guy. He is the best thing that has ever happen to me! LOVE YOU LANCE!!

Feeling great!

I have been feeling great lately with all the healthy food choices and exercise. I have been doing a lot more strength training then cardio, which is suppose to help boost your metabolism. Gaining muscle helps you burn more fat. I have felt a great difference after been doing this for two weeks. I am so happy with the weight loss i have been doing. i haven't been weighing myself but i notice in the size of my waist and how my pants have been fitting looser.

Here is a recent picture of my weight loss :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Me three weeks into my journey

Me at the beginning of my journey

Its a slow and long journey but its what i need to do to better my life and myself. For I have hated the way i look for a long time and its time for a long need change for the better. I have had so much support from my friends and family, whom have helped me stay motivated and to remind me to never give up!