Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I think i can i think i can i think can....I KNOW I CAN I KNOW I CAN

I have to tell myself i know i can everyday, but sometimes i have inner battles with my confidence and my insecurity. Which I know i cant do...Its still hard at times. But no more excuses..i will get my life back on track. I know i have to make time to do 30 minutes of exercise a day. Yesterday I did Zumba and today played about 30 minutes of basketball. Its been so nice out that I want to spend as much time as i can outside. I also would like to start running but with being this heavy, my knees dont really like it so I will opt for the ellpical for now and doing a mile on there first. Just made a goal that I am going to go out with fast food or eating out for a month. This should be interesting!!

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